Tips for people with short fingers

January 13, 2014

Your body parts and especially your fingers tell a lot about you. For instance:

Pointed fingers are not good for anyone who needs to do manual labor.

Broad and short fingers along with big nails are not good for anyone who is told to study and write reports - they're good for someone who does manual work.

Check the length of your middle finger and see if it's shorter or longer than the length of the palm.

If your fingers are small and the palm is long, then:

- you will not be able to do any work that requires you to sit calmly and work for long hours as your thought has a lot of anxiety and does not have enough patience.  
- such students should not study for long intervals.
- they should move around or talk to others and then continue to study in breaks. They should not sit for long as their minds will start to wander even if their eyes are fixated on the books. 

If your fingers are shorter than the palm and they are somewhat plump, then it shows an increased laziness which will cause obstacles in your success.

If your fingers are shorter than the palm and are thin, then it shows that you are over-active. You will tend to speak fast and a lot which will effect your voice. You have talents, but not enough patience which causes you to take decisions in haste or say things to others which have a negative effect on your future.

People whose fingers are short should never be egoistic or do things for the sake of "showing" that they can do something as the work done on the basis of such negative emotions can never be successful.


astrologer - 2 months ago 
Such insightful tips for people with short fingers! The connection between hand features and personality is fascinating.

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