Time of Birth And One's Personality

August 08, 2014

Even doctors now agree that people born in the day have a different attitude than people born in the night. Hence, children born at different times need different kind of parenting as their personalities are literally like night and day.

Let's look at the Sun, Mars, and Moon and how they effect an individual.

Mars, Sun - are strong in the day time. 

Moon, Saturn, Venus - are strong in the night.  

Dawn & Dusk - Jupiter is strong.

Dusk - Rahu is strong.

Rahu gives good results from 3am to an hour before sunrise.


If someone has Sun in the first house, then it shows that the person was born in the morning. If the Sun is in the 7th house, then it means that the Sun has set.

As Sun moves from the 1st to the 10th house it will have varying effects. Here are a few of them:

1st house - the face will be squarish; the face will have a good low; blood circulation will be good which will be visible on the face.

2nd house - Sun will make the person travel a lot; give a lot of energy to the person; 

10th house - with hard work and with the right approach. the person can do well in poltics or general governance - they can keep their power and position throughout life.

11th house - Sun will give a lot of money; makes one good at studies and will also give a quick wit to understand things very quickly

As the Sun moves forward after the 10th house, i.e. later afternoon, it makes the person very spiritual; the individual has a long term vision; can heal others - for example: such people can be astrologers, doctors, healer, etc.

When someone is born in the evening, then the person has to work a little harder to get success in life.

Dusk time - gives strength to the mind, but makes the body weak. 

At night, the Sun becomes weak and things that represent the Sun - status, father, reputation involve some kind of struggle. This also makes the jaw and heart weak. It also has a negative effect on the willpower and general energy. However, brings great spiritual progress. People born in the night are generally very emotional and need others to motivate them. 


In the day time, Mars is very powerful. In the first house, it is very strong. Mars in the afternoon (after the 7th house) is also very strong

Even when Mars is not very powerful at other times, then it can still bring about loss to reputation, cause people and/or wealth to go missing.

Although Mars in the 7th and 8th houses (of late afternoon) will fill one with a lot of mental and bodily energies, it may also cause problems in one's married life and relationships. This is the reason that manglik dosha is considered when checking compatiblity of one's horoscope for marriage purposes. The idea is to find a match with matching energy levels as the person who has a lot of energy from Mars.


Evidently, Moon is weak in the day, but is very strong in the night.

If one is born at sunrise, then one has to work hard at keeping the concentration, memory, and relationships with others. 

Similarly, if one is born in the afternoon, then too one has to work hard in relationship with one's parents and also in getting a good staus in society and that too at the right time. 

The Moon starts getting stronger after 2pm and becomes strong until dusk and becomes even more strong at night. However, people who are born late in the night, need a guru/someone else to motivate them as they are very emotional. So, just like the Moon takes energy from the Sun, similary such individuals need someone to make them emotionally balanced. However, such individuals get good support from the mother or mother's mother or their mother's family. The mother can also become a source of motivation or inspiration for them. Also, their concentration is very good. So, they can be good consultants, designers, or healers. They will not be good at practical things or things involving some amount of stress. They are best when they work alone - not in teams. 



Move From Astrology to Spirituality by Astro Vani  on  June 07
Have a Successful Day With These Tips by Astro Vani  on  August 14
Predictions for 2018 by Astro Vani  on  January 01

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