The Best Career Options for Each Zodiac Sign

December 15, 2014

Each zodiac sign has its own strengths and weaknesses. If you follow the basic fundamentals of your Moon sign, you should surely see success in your work. Even if you are currently in a different line of work, it would be good to incorporate some work related to one or more of the occupations listed for your zodiac sign. Learn below how to improve yourself and what you should be careful about when it comes to your personality. The important planets are also listed below to help you understand the astrological influence on your career.

Aries: you are generally quite enthusiastic and if your main planet is strong/positive or your Mars is positive then you also have a good health.
Occupations that are good for you: police, army, medicine, healing, chemicals, work related to land, politics, law related, iron related, management, administration
Even if you are currently employed in something else, it would be good to start something on the side related to one of the above in relation to your birth chart.
Weakness: anger and haste
Strengths: ambitious and hard-working
Planets: Jupiter is a very important planet for you. Be careful of Saturn. Keep doing remedies to remove the negative effects of Mars.

Taurus: Your talents come forth best when your work involves managing people or some organization. Though you may have to overcome some political issues in getting success. Apart from this, you can do work related to jewelry, dresses, things related to beauty, music, acting, wheat, agriculture, food.
Strengths: you are passionate about your work and are devoted
Weaknesses: sudden bursts of anger; ego
Planets: You need to be careful of the planet Saturn. Additionally, you always need to work on improving your Jupiter as it can cause obstacles in your career.

Gemini: Your best line of work should be related to shares, trading, liaison - talking with others to get work done; agent, journalism, study of mathematics, tuition, 
Strengths: your clever ability to understand others; energetic; long term visionary
Weaknesses: you want to get wealth too fast from all kinds of sources; haste; working without knowledge; stubbornness
Planets: Saturn and Mercury can bring you a lot in life, hence the combination of cleverness and patience can bring you success in life; be careful of the negative effects of Jupiter & Venus - so stay away from ego and too much greed; if your birth chart indicates a negative Venus then be careful when working with the opposite sex.

Cancer: The occupations that are best for you are: tuition, history, cultural studies, discourses, psychology, astrology, sales and marketing, PR, planning, finance work, public related work, meeting with people, work related to water/travel/food/and office related work, design related work is also good for you as you are very creative.
Strengths: your ability to understand others and lovingly make them understand things
Weaknesses: too emotional, which weakens your leadership qualities; fearfulness
Planets: Jupiter is  the planet that will give you success. You need to be careful of Saturn so keep doing things to make it positive.

Leo: Work related to government, property, liaison, lawyer, management, chemicals, metals, work related to your father's work.
Strengths: very ambitious and hardworking, visionary, fearless, enthusiastic - all of these qualities are dependent on Sun's position in your birth chart.
Weaknesses: over confidence due to you being very ambitious; anger; lack of cleverness; ego - inability to control your speech due to this; wanting to dominate others, which causes you to be stuck in controversies.
Planets: Mars and Venus will bring you success; Saturn and Jupiter's negative influence on your birth chart will damage your health and your relationships along with not allowing you to concentrate on your work.

Virgo:  Work related to law, CA/financial consultant, lawyer, share, teaching, management, manufacture and sale of special industrial items, medicine, banking
Strengths: mental energy, clever, social, visionary, good in mathematics and finance 
Weak: hyper - you want everything immediately; anger; always concerned about the future and keep thinking about what to do, which causes you to become lonely.
Planets: Mercury and Venus help you move forward. You need to be careful of the negative effects of Mars.

Libra: The professions that are suitable for you are work related to the government, public related work, designing, doing business related to luxury goods, travel related work, media/electronics/film industry related work, you will get a lot of knowledge related to computers without studying much, you're a good artist, giving lectures to the public
Strengths: creativity, you can influence a lot of people with your speech
Weaknesses: your energy levels go down very quickly; you can not succeed without someone's support; tendency to spend money without thinking much; you plan a lot but are not good at execution - this is why you have to work hard to get success in life.
Planets: Moon and Mercury will give you a lot of energy to success. Venus and Mars can cause obstacles in your path to success.

Scorpio: The best work for you is to do with medical field, healing, religious work, chemicals, social work, using your well developed personal relations to move your business forward or to help further others' business and earning money through that, police, army, politics, medicine related, astrology - tantra/mantra, espionage, government related work.
Strengths: creativity; your ability to work is quite high; ambitious, hard-working - you succeed more at jobs as you work better with others instead of by yourself.
Weaknesses: you dream too much and work less; anger can cause your downfall; as you are not that social, you don't make many true friends; not good at planning, which causes obstacles to you as you keep changing your plans.
Planets: A positive Sun and Moon will surely bring you success. Be careful of the negative effects of Saturn and Rahu.

Sagittarius: Teaching, research, discourses, finance, politics, decoration, designing, law related, government related, work related to abroad are all good for you to succeed in.
Strengths: you are good at analyzing things and then arriving at a good decision, honest, hard-working,
Weaknesses: ego - the feeling to take revenge because of this; marriage causes you problem or you create problems when getting married; due to not being social, you don't make many friends; being very emotional causes you to be weak ; your health doesn't support you after the age of 36.
Planets: The Sun will give you energy. Be careful of the negative effects of Moon and Ketu.

Capricorn: Chemicals, machine related, wheat related, film, being a saint, agriculture, journalism, literature, engineering, medical field, becoming a saint, espionage, contractor, law related work, caring for people
Strengths: energetic body; sharp mind; honesty, hard-working, social
Weaknesses: ego, too emotional - which causes problems in social life as well as health.
Planets: Mercury and Venus will help you succeed. Sun and Moon make your life hard.

Aquarius: You can succeed in work related to consultancy, technical work, astrology, teaching, mining, journalism, travel related work, medicine related work, researcher, work related to water.
Strengths: sharp mind, deep thought, honesty in personality, stability in your behavior
Weaknesses: not very social; your mind is sometimes disillusioned which sometimes causes you to be dishonest; weak health
Planets: Mars and Venus will help you succeed. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury can cause negative effects in your path to success.

Pisces: You can do a lot in work related to teaching, running of school, media, finance, decoration, designing, office management, consultancy, film, law related work, astrology, healing
Strengths: honesty; habit of researching; feeling of doing things for others - social work; cultural, intuition, compassionate
Weaknesses: lack of social skills; weak health; mood swings; lack of will power that causes you to not do anything in bad times 
Planets: Mars and Mercury will help you succeed. Keep doing things to keep Rahu and Moon positive. Mercury's negative effects can greatly impact your career too, so be careful of its possible negative effects.



astrologer - 6 months ago 
Wow, this article is incredibly insightful! It's amazing how accurately it describes career paths for each zodiac sign. Thank you for sharing such valuable guidance – it benefits career planning!
Astro - 5 months ago 
This blog post is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to align their career choices with their zodiac sign! The detailed insights and practical advice are incredibly valuable for making informed career decisions. Great job in making astrology both engaging and useful!

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