The advantages and disadvantages of Opal

October 28, 2013

Opal benefits:

- a good status and reputation in society,

- it's helpful in getting rid of litigations and debts,

- it also gives you an attractive personality.

- it gets rid of problems in your home and household

- it can get you married

- it's very helpful to people who are related to the arts in some way

- it also brings you the benefits of owning you own vehicle

- it is related to Venus and brings about the benefits of Venus to the wearer

Who can wear Opal:

- if you aren't getting any help from Venus

- if you feel your creativity/artistic streak is going away

- if Venus is the lord of the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 9th or the 10th house, then you should wear opal 

- you are getting stuck in all kinds of litigations

- you feel yourself stuck in life and are very afraid of your future

- you aren't able to speak to anyone boldly 

- you are starting to fight with women due to stri-rin dosh

If Venus is the lord of the 3rd, 8th, or the 12th house, then wearing an Opal is a bad idea for you as it wil effect your behavior in such a way that you may not be able to concentrate well.

Symptoms of negative effects of Opal. The following effects can take 2-3 months after wearing Opal:

- you will feel more cold and lazy

- your skin will become yellowish in color and wil also be very dry

- you feel thirsty more than usual

You can donate Opal stone if you have any problems in your married life or in getting married. People who are physically weak can also donate opal. Make sure you don't eat too much of cold and bitter things if you're wearing Opal.


Gordon - 6 years ago 
Good Evening Sir / Madam ! My DOB is 14/10/72, I am male and having many marital problems & major incompatibility issues with my wife since past 14 years of married life. I am also childless and jobless ( since past 5 years ) . I also suffer from impotency issues, due to which my spouse also continually ridiculous me in public. Due to thrse both mental & physical issues, I am constantly in huge stress and depressed. Can u suggest a appropriate Birth gemstone, to assist me in overcoming these life long hurdles. If even 50% are resolved, I shall be forever grateful for your assistance.
Reply By: - 6 years ago 
Dear friend, what is your age? What is qualifications or skills you have? why are you jobless? How did you come to know you are impotent ? Have any doctor had told you? If a person is facing mental tension such issues are very common. Work upon skill you have with full enjoyment. Second do meditation for metal peace. And if your wife is beyond limit and cannot co-operate and understand your problems tell her marriage is not business to produce children. It is connection of two person's love. And children are biproduct of that love . If she want to move let her move you cannot make anyone happy except yourself. Meditate . There is not stone available who can make you father. It is your sperm. N your sperm is dependent upon your diet, excercise n hormones are very much dependent upon your mental condition for that I recommended meditation. It will keep you calm n happy in your married life . Have faith in yourself till you will not sale your emotions n principles n thought you cannot earn money. That is called job in India.
Priya - 6 years ago 
Hello Mam , Good evening I got married last year but I am not compatible with that person and I am awaiting divorce which I have to take for the best of my life , he has a very different behaviour pattern he won't talk for 15 days then 12 days before marriage he didn't speak and now after September he blocked me completely from WhatsApp and has now started speaking to me again even I accept I did some mistakes but blocking for 6 - 7 no body will accept this right, my mom has told me to wear opal but the benefits include about marriage issue being solved then how will it benefit me becoz I have no interest in staying with that person. Please share some light and guidance on this Thank you
Reply By: - 3 years ago 
Hey i am wearing opal cross since 4 years. My birth date is:29/1/1988. Can i wear also red garnet crystal with it thank u
tanya - 5 years ago 
my dob is 8 october 2000 .. will opal affect me ? any disadvantage will occur ? should i wear opal? please tell me
Mahiya - 5 years ago 
Why opal is worn on the index finger and diamond could not be considered for index finger, when both are representing venus planet?
Rajesh - 5 years ago 
These stones have play some role in our life. But it doesn't mean that stones is everything. Do good for everyone the same will come back to you. And the reply of ur question is middle and index finger both are suitable for opal.
Sohit - 5 years ago 
After wearing fire opel i feel lazy....
Pash - 5 years ago 
Can I wear opal pendant (7 carat) and gomed (5 carat) in ring finger ? My d.o.b is 10 dec.1990
Mukund - 5 years ago 
Hello, someone advise me to wear opal as my venus of meen rashi (uch ka) is in 2nd house, Lagn-kumbh/Rashi-Taurus, I hv all the symptoms of venus effected, kindly tell me weather wearing an opal will be beneficial for me.
Amar - 4 years ago 
Neeta - 4 years ago 
Can anyone wear pukhraj and opal together? Is yes, then can wear opal in ring finger?
Reply By: - 4 years ago 
Yes but use opal as pendent
Reply By: - 3 years ago 
My DOB is 3-12-1985 i am facing issue of getting married, anytime someone come showing hope for marriage and because of some reason it's not going on, reasons from there side, please tell me something, Thank you
Tanish - 4 years ago 
Can I wear an opal .? My dob is 1-12-1974. Time.7:50am. Delhi..kindly help.
ilango - 4 years ago 
Hi I am born on 1st Nov, 1957 can i wear an opal
Amar - 4 years ago 
Hi My date of birth is 10.10.1980 around 16:45hrs I am not sure about the time of my birth please advise if I can wear opal or need to wear anyother stone for building my confidence and fear of future.
Iftikar - 4 years ago 
My DOB is 2-12-1970 at 8.30 PM pls suggest me gemstone.
Parul - 4 years ago 
Can anyone wear opal and panna togather
Salma - 3 years ago 
What if venus is in 3rd house of moon sign does that bring bad effect
Angje - 3 years ago 
My birthday is 11/12 is opal right for me ?
Jewel - 3 years ago 
My bday is 24/01/2000 is opal good for me and what are the intentions for myself
Rajender - 3 years ago 
My dob 19 may 1979 time 18:15 place delhi
Rekha - 3 years ago 
Hi mam my dob is 17 sep 1985 can I wear opal
SONALI - 2 years ago 
I am wearing opal in index finger and diamond ring in middle finger is it fine just from a week I started wearing this. Also my left eye is hurting and is red from yesterday and I have wear rings on left hand so is it because these rings are not suitable?

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