The Astro-Vani Blog


November 05, 2013

Moolank - your personality, future, and tips for parents

Just as each planet has an effect on us, each number also effects us in some way. This article will deal with the number(s) of your day of birth - moolank and its influence on you. Learn the characteristics, parenting tips, and some remedies you can do if your moolank is vibrating negatively with you.
Posted by  Astro Vani       1 comments

August 16, 2012

Numerology - Connection Between Your Numbers & Your Fate

Numerology depends on vibrations, which stay with you your whole life.

There are 2 kinds of numbers you'll need for numerology:

Destiny Number (Bhagyank) - Sum of your date of birth.

Example: if date of birth is 10-10-1975, the destiny number can be calculated by adding all the digits: 1+0+1+0+1+0+1+9+7+5=24 =>2+4=6 => hence, 6 is this person's destiny number.

Base Number (Moolank) - Sum of the day of birth. In the above example, base number will be 1.

Posted by  Astro Vani       9 comments

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