Obstacles in Your Path to Success

November 23, 2013

In order to "win" in life, the most important thing is to have faith in yourself, in God, and in your parents. If you still experience any obstacles, then you can do some remedies that have been given to us by our ancient sages.

Win = to make oneself move forward in his path and remove the obstacles in one's path - it does not refer to making others lose

This win can be achieved by you provided you are on a righteous path and spiritual in your efforts to win. As long as you remain spiritual, you can leave the heavy-lifting to God and just concentrate on doing your work.

  1. Whenever you are in any major trouble, then start doing "Adityahridya stotra paath". You need to do "anushthaan" for 11 days. Each day you will need to do the paath 11 times, after doing the the paath 11 times, take a copper vessel and put in a red flower, roli, akshat, and some sugar. Offer this to the Sun while chanting "om ghrini suryaay namaha" for 11 times. You need to watch the sunrise and do tratak - which means to keep staring at the Sun as it's rising. Do the adityahridya stotra paath while being seated on a "kush" mat. This will make sure that any works done honestly allows you to progress.
  2. Whenever you do some mistake that causes other to criticize you or causes obstacles in your path, then take 1.25m of black cloth, 1.25kg of oil, 1.25kg of urad dal, 1.25kg of sesame seeds, and a piece of iron. Place these items in separate packages and create a package of these things - like a potli in Hindi. Then encircle this package above your head while chanting "om sham shatru vinaashaaya namaha" and offer this package to the Shani God. Even if you do this remedy on one Saturday, it will prove helpful and people will not be able to disturb you. Sometimes, you can go through a very bad phase when in the Saade-saati phase, where you suddenly get attacked by enemies from everywhere - this remedy can be used to alleviate the problems in this phase too. The more you do this remedy, the more your enemies will calm down.
  3. Shammi tree's roots are very beneficial. These will help you get out of wrongful controversies - make sure you are not in the wrong though. If you wear this in a red or black thread on a Saturday or Monday around your neck, then you wil surely win in this situation.
  4. To win over your mind, do this devi mantra 11 times mornings and evenings "Ya devi sarv-bhuteyshu shanti roopain sansitha, namastasyay namastasyay namastasyay namo namaha". This will make you calm and encouraged towards life. 
  5. To destroy the enmity in the person who is your enemy for the wrong reasons - remember - you have to be in the right for this and the above remedies to work. For this, take a bead made of turmeric and sit facing the East in yellow clothing on a yellow mat in the night. Start doing the mantra, "om hrim" - do it for 108 times. After you start doing this, you'll end up doing just "hrim". This mantra will make sure that the person does not disturb you.



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