How to Make Rahu Positive

July 14, 2014

Many people are afraid of Rahu, so it's important to shed some light on this shadow planet.

Rahu's Effects on Homes:

A home that is under the negative effects of Rahu will not have love, unity, or any peacefulness. There will be sibling rivalry and many fights and conspiracies between people. Such negative effects are not just limited to a particular home, but can also show their effects in a bigger area of residence - like certain neighborhoods or block of flats.

Rahu's negative effect makes children's growth weak; they start talking about going away to study in a hostel from a young age; or in grown up children the symptom shows in them talking about moving to another place once they get a job.

Here are some indications of a negative Rahu on one's home:

  • water will start getting stuck in certain areas of the home 
  • there will be a lot of dust and dirtiness in the home
  • plants will not prosper in such homes
  • one feels a dire need of light in the home after sunset; it will feel that the home is dull despite whatever lighting there may be.
  • servants or maids don't usually last long in such homes; even if one has employees in their business, then they too will not stay with them for long if Rahu is negative despite the good salary or perks you may give them.
  • there will be a lot of small issues in the home; for example: a shoe going missing; the milk going bad; a broken sandal..etc...the signs will be such that they will disturb your mind's peace despite the small size of the problems. These will stop you from thinking anything creative or constructive.
  • Rahu causes great struggles to people who are in the ages of 38 to 45 years in the home. Usually, the problems start after 36.
  • In general, all the members of the home will have stomach related problems. There may be a lucky one or two who may not have them.
  • A lot of money will get wasted. For example, buying things that may turn out to be really bad quality and hence had to be discarded.
  • There won't be happiness in such homes.
  • The family members will have some unknown fear in them at all times.
  • There may be wall cracks in the kitchen or in the roof.

Remedies for negative effects on one's home:

  • Put together some mishri, black lentils, gomed stone, and some silver in a small white cloth and either hang it at your home's entrance or bury it at the entrance.
  • Give respect to your pitra (your ancestors) everyday and also do some donations on their behalf sometimes. Do the remedies for pitra dosh.
  • Never write your name on the house - always name the home in your ancestors' name - example: in your grandmother, father, grandfather's name
  • Use the East side of your home more; sit there; eat there; put small flower pots/plants there; arrange for some food for birds in the East side of your home.

Rahu's Effects on Individuals:

A positive Rahu can help in civil services, politics, and engineering, to name a few.

A negative Rahu creates illusions in the mind, which may make a person give excuses for everything that they may be asked to do.

However, Rahu also intensifies energy, so if one works hard, then it will give even more energy to keep one going. This energy is unbridled and can even take one to the dark side - towards negativity (criminal mindset, gambler, etc.).

If one is going under the dasha or mahadasha of Rahu; or Rahu is in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house in the kundali chart and one is able to get some Guru in their life, then it can take one to great heights. So Rahu + Jupiter = great achievements. Even if one does not have a guru, it's important to be inspired by one, so perhaps putting a poster of the one that someone idolizes can greatly help them succeed in life.

If a child is greatly under the influence of Rahu, and not listening to anyone, then it's important for them to do a lot of sports; give them something that they will be allowed to break (if it's an adult - give them something like a motorcycle). 

If someone's Rahu is negative and they are going throug the dasha of Rahu, then there's a very high likelihood of the person becoming very negative and they may have quite a few of the following traits:

  • sleeping late at night & getting up late in the day,
  • can become dependent on alcohol/drugs/other substance,
  • may not be able to concentrate on anything for more than 15 minutes,
  • may feel like breaking things; will get involved in mobiles and technology too much;
  • one may waste the whole day in trying to fix something; 
  • can become violent - especially when someone has married and their Rahu dasha has also started, the couple needs to be very careful so their relationship does not break. 
  • too much excitement
  • not believing in any traditions or rituals
  • being angry and irritable
  • making many excuses and telling lies

=> all of these show that Rahu has started creating conditions that will create many problems in one's future.

Remedies for Rahu for Self:

  • Donate 4 coconuts in the temple on every Amavasya
  • If you aren't able to study, are fearul, are angry most of the time, feel like killing someone, then tie a piece of white sandalwood in a blue thread and wear it on you.
  • Add some Ashoka leaves and some drops of sandalwood perfume/oil to your bath water.
  • If you are able to procure pure sandalwood sherbet, then drink it first thing in the morning to get rid of the Rahu effects.
  • Do not eat left-over food or food that has become stale.
  • Do not eat late at night - ideally, you should have dinner within an hour after sunset.
  • Free some fish in water - buy a fish and then let it go free in a pond/river.
  • Feed fish.
  • Donate coconuts to people.
  • Drink and eat coconut in any form.
  • Start giving a full glass of water to people whom you want to give drinking water to.
  • Do not give or take any alcoholic or any other intoxicating substance.

Doing the mantra for Rahu is another way to make it positive. Say this out loud, then while whispering, and finally in your head: Om Raa(n) Rahve Namaha. Hear the correct pronunciation below: 


Niraj - 6 years ago 
Having similar issues
Krishna - 6 years ago 
Fantastic analysis, it matches with my situation
Amruta - 5 years ago 
Havin issues from more then 2yrs. Local Astrologers said Rahu Mahadasha period are running till 2025 & at present it is in my lagna kundli. What kind of rahu mantra is preferable for this situation or need any kind of Puja for this?
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
sir, my son studying II year Engg, running Rahu bhukthi in sukra dasa, facing lot of problems in education, unable to concentrate and got so much of arrears. Please help.
geetika - 5 years ago 
Myself Geetika Varshney my date of birth 15.05.1991. Iam stuck in my professional life at one point not succed from monetary point of view . Iam irritated on such a small thing . There is delay in my marraige too the things not happened in the way i want to be. Please tell me the solution and the remedies to overcome from it.
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
@Geetika Varshney, same dob, same situation :(
Reply By: - 3 years ago 
My son's dob is 27th Sept 2000 place Durgapur time 10.37 am pls tell me about his education and career
shiva - 5 years ago 
rahu make effects in marriage life. what is the remedy for wife is in rahu dasha rahu bhukthi.can u give me a solution.Behalf of her i can do?
Surjit Kumar - 5 years ago 
Remedy for Naga dosha?
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
I am vidya my dob is 28.8.1974 4.45a.m. i have problems with my brothers regarding property..always arguments with husband..mother doesn't remember me or talk. No peace of mind..please tell soiution
Varsha - 5 years ago 
Now I am going Rahu mahadasha and Rahu anterdasha from dec 17 I lost everything. My job, my wealth,my mother'.Now I am jobless. I am bankrupt and have 70 lakh loan on me.Can you suggest. My DOB 31.7.1973, Place Thane,Time 22.00 please help me. I am full of depression.
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
I think while a person is studying in school, all school should mandatorily provide consultation and yoga for moon, rahu and ketu. Rahu is the destroyer of student life. And same for marriage and finance. Only is few cases it benefits people. As a campaign, all astrologers in the world should take this seriously and provide a minimal cost remedy for people suffering due to Moon, Rahu and Ketu. All suicides, broken marriages, failed entrance exam attempts and mental asylum cases are due to these. Shouldn't we make this society better.
Reply By: - 4 years ago 
Before you do any other remedy .. 1. Chant rahu mantra for atleast 72000 times in 40 days if possible or 160 days 2. Find a place where you can feed birds in Thane and do it for next 15 years daily till your rahu mahadasha is operating or you can do it for lifetime. Never miss a day ever. If you go on a holiday ask someone else to do it on your behalf 3. Feed cow's in any goshala daily ( Lifetime) 4. Get a gomedh ring test it first by keeping in wallet then as a pendent and then go for ring right hand middle finger. 5. You have to be highly spiritual during next 15 years and do Hanuman chalisa and Durga chalisa in combination for lifetime or atleast for next 15 years 6. I know donation charity and philanthropy is a tough thing when you have loan but keep some change in your car and keep giving it to people who are in needed. By donating money and other things you also give away some bad effects of planets. And make them good. So keep donating all your life as per your financial status.never take loan to donate 7. Never ever take loan ever in your life. When you take someone's money and use it you also take some of the bad effects of their planets or their karmic debts which you have to pay. So never ever take loan ever in your life no matter what dasha you are on. 8. May her soul rest in peace but you lost a family member and it is a tough phase. But maybe who knows she might be more powerful now and just ask/pray her anything you want and she might give it to you in no time.. Who knows if she is the one who motivated me to read your comment and right the answer. God bless you Varsha madam
Reply By: - 2 years ago 
I liked this reply of yours :) Just thought to acknowledge
Reply By: - 2 years ago 
Reply By: - 4 years ago 
Now Varsha ,your birt is of pisces lagna and rahu is sitting in 10th house which is one of house of carrier , aspecting 2nd house ( house of wealth) ,4th house ( house of comfort like vehicle , mother etc) and 6th house ( house of disease enemy loans ) ... Now your rahu is sitting in 10th house in Jupiter Rashi( Dhanu) ,so if someone is doing mischief in someones house ,only owner of that house can handle or stop it, it's a commonsense .. You can do mantra of Jupiter or yoga to strengthen your Jupiter like Balasana,Adho Mukha Svanasana etc..u can easily Google it.. Your Jupiter is debilitated ( neech) ..that's why you are Facing such problems.. pls go to a good astrologer.. not corrupted one who can make u understand this all properly rather than scaring u
aisha - 5 years ago 
Hi my name is Aisha my date of birth is 15/06/1998 11-45 am..rahu is in 1st house and I am suffering a lot.. When Raju Dasha started and when it will end.. What will be remedy to overcome from it.. Does it is effecting me on health?..plz suggest
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
Hi, my name is Meena my date of birth is 02/28/1966 am ...I am suffering from Rahu and Mangal, please help I am suffering from a serious issue relationship, money, love I would say overall everything sometimes I am not myself please help me.
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
Mail me our details of Dob and place of birth and problems u are facing
Reply By: - 4 years ago 
Hello, my name is aparna. Facing some issues how can i contact you?
Ramesh - 5 years ago 
I have a rahu in my 8th house from lagna placed in aquarius. Saturn is in my 6th house. Whether it is good or bad to me. Pls reply
Gurpreet - 5 years ago 
Namashakr pandit ji....i am gurpreet singh from chandigarh.. I am in rahoo dasha and facing lots of problem in health,family,financial ..please suggest me some remedies..... Gurpreet singh.... Dob 12 07 1987 Time 09 15 am Plc chandigarh
kailash chand - 5 years ago 
dear sir in 3 no horescsoppe rahu is whih moon so i suuferring fror dipression since last 233 years most impotantly i a company secretary who is supposed to know aboy company its share etc than anyones else inspite of this in last 25 years i could not earn at the end of year and has becommec addicted to intraday tradin in shares lost huge mone can u ahelp and adise what to do to get rahu kript and budh kripa
Nitya - 5 years ago 
My parents son is a monster, made my life hell. He's going through Rahu mahadasha since 2011. He via black magic turned everything in his favor. Our family money, my parents listen a to him whatever he's doing wrong. He got our family in his name, broke one car and sold another one. The money that was kept for my marriage he got it lost all in some useless business that he doesn't have any knowledge about. He hurts my pets & counts their food. Even taunts me with bad words, abuses and try to scate me with all ways of tantrums. No matter how much am good & doing good, goes wasted! He got everyone against me by those evil black magic tricks. He once when I was trying to save my parents from him, he started throwing things, & breaking them & abused me, hit me. My life is struck in my own house because of this evil man. He already put my dad in loads of debt. And now No money left for my marriage. PLEASE HELP ME Guide me 17/6/81 6:20am New Delhi
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
Vagban pe varosa rakho duniya me jaise andhera hai ujala v hai Sab bure chese khatam ho jate hai acche kam se samne vagban ke samne bure kam thikhte nahi hai thora varosa rakho sob kuch thikh hoye jayga Ganesh ji ke upar varosa rakho Jai Ganesh Shiv ji upar varosa rakho Om Namo Shivay Sai Nath ke upar varosa rakho Om Sai Ram Sab kuch thikh ho jayga
Reply By: - 4 years ago 
Hi nitya Very effective remedy would be Do rahu mantra Om ram raahave namah for atleast 72000 times on his behalf this will take a lot of time and hardwork but it is the most effective remedy and will guide you to higher spiritua aspects. Download thing counter app from playstore which will help
Reply By: - 4 years ago 
I know it is terrible and even our son who is 15 breaking homes etc. But we managed and had tough time. Feed poor etc and apart from that hear Kolaru Pathigam. Put in youtube "kolaru pathigam Ramani" and listen to this and this can stop all planetary illeffects and said by Kanchi Mahaperiyava. Pray him and Kamakshi Devi and you will come out and dont have negative feeling towards your brother.
Divyanshu - 5 years ago 
My Solution: Friends I have entered Rahu Mahadasha in 2016 and that too at the age of 45 with lot of responsibilities. I have faced hell lot of problems with relationship, finance, kid, electric appliances in my house etc. 3 months back I systematically started listening to Hanuman Chalisa, Hanuman Kavacham Mantra, Mahamritunjay Mantra, Mahakali Mantra, Kaal Bhairav Asthakam. I am also a regular visitor to temple 2 times a week. I happily donate food and money in whatever capacity I can. I have found a drastic change in problems disappearing even if no success in hand. Illusion has disappeared and I am more staying on ground. I first just listened to the mantras mathematically, but now they have gripped me with make believe situation about there existence. I suggest to submit yourselves to the mercy of Lords: Vishnu, Krishna, Shiva, Rama, Hanuman, Maataji and let them take care of Rahu (Dev). Take care of deprived in whatever way you can. Do not think about what will they do with money, food or any thing that you give to them. You have to do your part of duty.
VIKRAM - 5 years ago 
Namasta guru G. I am going through all this. My life is becoming hell as the day passes. This negative effects are effecting my future.
Reply By: - 5 years ago 
Nameste. My date of birth is 06/06/1962. Delhi at 13.30. I will be going through Rahu dasha soon. Need your advice
Vivek - 5 years ago 
It matches with my daily life give me gemstone recommendation
Madhusudan - 5 years ago 
Pl advise.I am born on 27.10.1956 and time 7.00 PM.
Lvm - 5 years ago 
Rahu is in the 7th house in my chart, lost everything during this mahadasha, did exactly opposite of what I actually wanted to do. Rahu made me career oriented, greed for money.. Materialistic, When actually my desire was to get married at an early age and become a housewife. Differences. Misunderstandings in the house and weird feeling of black energy. Mind was clouded..didn't let me speak my mind, which had positive thoughts. Can doing rahu pooja at the end of the dasha help? I still have 2 years.
Sand - 5 years ago 
I’m Sandhya, DoB-1-12-1992, 2.55pm(Tuesday) Facing lot of problems in married lyf n I have 1 year old baby. Though I haven’t made any mistakes ,got a blame like liar n al. What shud I do to overcome des problems seriously fed up
Cancer - 5 years ago 
Having fear for no reason, emotionally very sensitive, don't want to feel any sort of attachment wid anyone, running away from marriage, non decisive, literally confused about relationship n emotions!
Rajeev - 4 years ago 
My dob 09.08.1968 at 07:25 kanpur I am suffering from dialysis patients I have a lot of physical problems please guide me. It is related with rahu anter dash a. Please guide
Ashish - 4 years ago 
Pranam Guruji My DOB - 04/10/1974 Time - 07.01 AM Place - Mumbai Going through Rahu mahadasha No need to say the problems going through. Please suggest remedies.
sanjib - 4 years ago 
facing problems and the signs are also matching as you have mentioned.Job,Money,Relationship,mental peace, cannot concentrate on in fear,anger and very low level of energy. negativity is growing wasting time sitting idle .please guide me . sanjib chandra DOB 17.02.1975 Time - 1.30 pm Place - Bankura. west bengal.
Sree - 4 years ago 
Hi , My DOB is 31-07-1975 , also going through Rahu Mahadasha. I was working in a big MNC Bank , but lost my job during the start of Covid. By Gods grace i managed a job again but with a lower salary, but am not being able to garner business the way i would before .I am single, and lost my husband in 2015 during my Mars dasha. But other than the sadness , i was great financially , career and all other respects. I live abroad and now feel completely alone. i kind of , had an affair , but now that too broke off. I feel i am going through a tough time and feel helpless. Any suggestions please..
Cherry - 4 years ago 
Hi, my birthday is on Dec 17, 1986 at 2:00 am. Someone said i have weak rahu. Is it true? How can i strengthen my rahu? If not it will affect me forever? Pls help
Varun - 4 years ago 
Hi, My name is Varun Thapar,D.O.B 19/08/ 4:50 pm,Chandigarh. I am facing very very tough time regarding no work,no money,weak memory,its something related to rahu and effects are relatively same. Facing a lot of stress since 1 year,and I have 3 small kids which is my responsibility. Seeking a good advice. Kindly reply.
Subarna - 3 years ago 
My birth date is 10.12.1974 time 2.29am birth place kolkata west bengal. Sir i resigned a job and want to start my own business with a partner in bhubaneswar. But due to some problem everything is being delayed.for last 3 months I am without any earnings. Kindly help.
Sachidanand - 3 years ago 
Panditji i have destroyed my married life now how should i overcome that


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