Benefits of Mustard Oil

August 20, 2014

Here we present some uses of mustard oil as astrological remedies and some of its other health benefits. There also some precautions that one should know about when consuming mustard oil, especially in places where there's a tendency of impurity in the oil. Learn more below.

Astrological and Health Benefits of Mustard Oil ('sarson ka tel' in Hindi):

- Massage mustard oil on the body to improve Mars.

- Eat vegetables cooked in mustard oil to make Shani stronger.

- Donate this oil to make Shani calmer.

- If people at one's workplace are not being supportive, then donate vegetables cooked in mustard oil to manual laborers on Saturdays and Tuesdays.

- To get rid of diseases, put some oil in a bowl and encricle it over the head for 7 times while repeating the mantra of one's isht. Then throw this oil out. It will bring about speedy recovery and medicines will be more effective.

- It's very beneficial in heart problems.

- To make teeth stronger and shinier - add some turmeric to about half a teaspoon of mustard oil and massage the gums. It will even help in bleeding gums or even pyorrhea.

- Rubbing some mustard oil on the soles of the feet or on the thumbs of the feet, improves eyesight.

- Putting some mustard oil in the belly-button can prevent dryness in the skin and lips.

- Massaging children with mustard oil will help them sleep better while also make their bodies stronger.

- A closed nose (due to a cold), can be opened by dropping a drop of mustard oil into each nostril.

- Add 10 gm of kapoor to 200gm of mustard oil, put it in the Sun, and then mix it well. It can be used as a massage oil to relieve any pain in the body.

- Massaging mustard oil into the hair prevents hair from becoming gray prematurely.

- Donate some mustard oil along with a pack of turmeric on Thursdays. This will improve a one's negative Jupiter. Slowly the spots on the mount of Jupiter will start to disappear.


- Using too much of mustard oil can cause too much heat in the body and causes Pitta issues in the body. So, make limited use of mustard oil.

- Some greedy manufacturers mix rice oil to mustard oil at times, which can even cause cancer/dropsy/ or problems to kidney when used for a long period.

How to know about the quality of mustard oil?

People mix rice oil to mustard oil at times, which can even cause cancer/dropsy/problems to liver.

- Keep the oil in the fridge - not freezer, if it freezes in the fridge, it's not pure as pure mustard oil will not freeze.

- Add some nitric acid drops in some of the oil, then let it heat for a few minutes. It will turn red if it's not pure.


ABHAYANKER - 6 years ago 
Very good info
prasad - 5 years ago 
Very useful information .
Deepak - 5 years ago 
Thank you for good information
Sandhya - 4 years ago 
Very good info .I find your articles about astrological remedies very useful .Thanks to astrovani. Stay blessed from the blessings of those who get benefitted from your remedies.

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