Are you worried about the future?

October 22, 2013

It is necessary to think about the future and plan for the future. The present is based upon the work done in the past, and the present work will be the basis for the future. So thinking about the future is justified, but the problem arises when one starts to stress about the future. This stress takes one into depression and even causes the present time to be stressful.

This is caused by Moon and Ketu's or Moon and Shani's negative combination.

It's not easy to change your planetary combinations, but you can change yourself with the help of some astrological aids. So apart from doing things that will help you make your future secure you can do the following remedies:

1. Start feeding 3 dogs each day, or get a pet dog and take care of it as much as you can by yourself. This will stop your anxiety about the future.

2. Keep water next to your pillow - drink it in the morning. It will calm your mind and make your mind more stable.


If you sufer from anxiety, then it will definitely effect your personality.

Some of the traits of how this anxiety effects your personality are:

1. you will have a lot of anger

2. you will become irritable

3. you will start taking wrong decisions

4. your body will become weaker

5. you will start making enemies

6. you won't be ready to accept others' opinions

7. you will not spare the person who may cause delays to your work

8. you will start using bad/curse words

Anxiety is caused mainly by our mukhya graha/atma karak graha becoming weak. This weakend planet either causes either too much ego or too little confidence and the person looses patience - whereby he wants things to happen as fast as possible. Getting angry becomes a part of your nature and this anger can lead to psychological disorders in the future.

Remedies for anxiety:

- make sure you drink lots of water - preferably from a silver glass/vessel

- get yourself checked - make sure you do not suffer from calcium deficiency and that your brain cells are not getting weak; if you aren't able to go for the checkup, then just taking in some calcium supplements should help

- try to take as much oxygen as you can

- learn to meditate and meditate whenever you can

- take a spoonful of each: ashwagand, vaaj (boiled makhan/ghee), mishri, saunf, and some roasted cuming seeds (jeera) - grind them and add a bit mulethi powder to this - start taking this a few times a day to stop anxiety; this mixture can even help with dependence on tobacco including cigarettes and gutka.

- tie a khirni tree's root in a white thread and wear in on a Monday around your neck; alternatively, you can wear "samudri panna" - a not so expensive green gem found in coastal areas - take 2-3 grains of this and have it set in a ring, which you can wear early morning on a Monday or Wednesday

- to reduce negativity caused by anxiety, start doing the chant of just "OM"


Vineeth - 6 years ago 
What was meant by vachh
Reply By: Astro Vani - 6 years ago 
That should have said "vaaj" as in boiled makhan/ghee. Thanks for pointing it out. We've corrected it.
Nikhil - 6 years ago 
Hello from last 15 days I am feeling and diagnosed by anxiety . Any remedy , kindly help
Birendra - 4 years ago 
Excellent remedy. I much relieved.Thanks a lot feom bottom of my heart

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