Are You Dealing With a Problem Child?

December 05, 2013

Many children are a cause of great anxiety for their parents and other family members. What causes their irritable behavior and what can be done to change it?

There are many planets that are involved in disrupting the peacefulness in a family. This is caused by the kundali/birth-chart being cursed (shrapit). One needs to do some ongoing remedies to get rid of the curse otherwise it can (and will) lead to disruptions throughout one's life. Children with a shrapit kundali will always be irritable and negative; they will make their own and also others' lives miserable; at some point even the parents stop loving such children.

Symptoms of a Shrapit Kundali: if there is -

- somewhat of a ditch in the middle of the palm or if the fingers are short,

- and the mount of Shani is not raised

- and there are 3 or more lines on the mount

- and the heart line becomes very light in appearance with lines going outwards from it,

- the nail of the thumb becomes very short

- Obviously, you will come to know when the child screams and shouts a lot

- Also, the behavior of such children can lead to quarrels between the parents

  • Such children should not wear gray and black clothes
  • Keep some water in a green glass bottle/cover a clear glass bottle with green cellophane and keep it on a wooden base for 11 days in sunlight. Have the child drink half a cup of this water everyday.
  • Have the child help the blind, leprosy patients, or children who have been convicted and put in jail.
  • If the parents fight/quarrel, then the child will also behave in the same way. So change your home's atmosphere to get rid of the tendencies of the child to behave in the same manner.

These remedies should start showing their magic in a matter of months. Good luck!


Ranie - 4 years ago 
What if this remedy did know in schild know he is adult know can the mother do the remedy?
Reply By: - 4 years ago 
I need help for my adult son
Ranie - 3 years ago 
I need help for my adult son always getting angry & always stay by him self in his room alone. What it causes that? What can i do for him that his angry go away. Please tell what to do. thans Ranie.
Astro - 8 months ago 
Your article on dealing with a problem child is incredibly enlightening and compassionate. The practical tips and astrological insights provided are truly helpful for parents facing challenging situations. Thank you for offering such valuable guidance!

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