Adopt These Eating Habits Today

January 14, 2014

Most people are aware of what they should or should not eat, but one should also know when and how to eat.

If you like to eat gourmet food, then make sure you eat less in quantity - so the goal of eating such foods is to satisfy your taste buds not fill your stomach.

Some good eating habits for everyone:

  • Try not to eat chutney - especially at night if you have a tendency to catch a cold.
  • Eating a lot of fried or cold foods makes the brain weaker so try to limit such foods. 
  • Eat a little less than the amount of hunger you have.
  • Start eating more of green vegetables.
  • Don't drink water while eating. Drink the water an hour after to prevent Vaat/gas issues and to prevent fat from sticking to you. It will be hard in the beginning, but you will get used to it in no time.
  • Don't eat anything heavy or spicy food  after sunset as our liver functions best during the day. Almost everyone who eats heavy food at night will have gas/acidity issues and will not be able to do well in his studies.
  • Try to eat by sitting in a crossed-legs position while eating as it improves the digestive system and doesn't cause gas.
  • If you have a lot of gas, then an hour before eating, drink a glass of water with some lemon juice and black salt.
  • Make sure you add some harar to your food to reduce gas problems.
  • One should not eat very hot food, let the food cool down a bit before you start ingesting it.
  • If you have a lot of fat, then have some lukewarm water with honey an hour before you eat your food. Also, drink some green tea within 15 minutes of eating your food.
  • Try to reduce the gap between your meals - don't wait too long between meals. Make sure the gaps between meals does not exceed 4 or 5 hours at the most. Eat more frequently, but reduce the amount of food.


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