The Astro-Vani Blog

July 22, 2013

5 Problems in Life

Very often in life, we feel that we're surrounded by many problems. However, in reality, there are only 5 thing that can be wrong with us. These are to do with: work, anger, greed, lust, and ego.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

July 13, 2013

Some things we must never waste

Our previous lives determine our happiness in our present lives. This is why we must always be spiritual.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

July 07, 2013

Remedies for Saturn/Shani Changing Speed

Learn how Shani's change in speed will effect you from July 8th, 2013 onwards.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

July 06, 2013

Tips to foresee and avoid bad financial situations

From November 2013 to end of 2015 will be a bit problematic in terms of money for everyone all over the world. Here are a few tips to avoid finanacial trouble in the future.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

June 15, 2013

Shani/Saturn's Protective Shield

Shani in a bad state does not allow you to enjoy life.
Posted by  Astro Vani       6 comments

May 25, 2013

Jupiter's influence on you from 10th July onwards

Jupiter is moving from Taurus to Gemini from May 31st. There will be some immediate effects but most results will appear after July 10th, 2013.
Posted by  Astro Vani       2 comments

May 18, 2013

Learn About Yourself From Your Body

Some details about your future or illnesses based on your habits and feelings.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

March 31, 2013

Venus - its placement in your kundali chart

Venus and its effects on you based on its placement in your kundali. Also, learn how to reduce the ill effects of Venus based on your Moon sign.
Posted by  Astro Vani       54 comments

October 09, 2012

Benefits of Eating Pomegranate/Anar

Sweet pomegranate/anar, removes your acidity and finishes stomach worms. It's also good for concentration for meditation and students.

People who have sweaty hands and feet should take sweet pomegranate/anar in the morning on an empty stomach.

If you don't feel hungry, take 100gm anar juice and put a spoon of honey and a bit of sendha namak, mix it well and then drink it. It'll prove beneficial for you.

Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

October 06, 2012

Why Do Things Get Stuck In the Middle

There are many things in life that we start on, but we never complete/finish them in spite of being very intelligent or applying the best of resources.

The main planet (mukhya graha) and Bhagyesh are responsible for this. These planets - if weak - may cause a lot of hurdles or will not let the work materialize. Weakness of the Moon will also cause a lot of barriers.

If many of your planets are weak, or don't give positive results, then you'll be almost at tears to get your work done including marriage.

The above also cause one to change their job or profession, but each yields the same problems.

Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 13, 2012

3 Big Symptoms to 3 Big Problems...& Their Remedies

If you notice these happening often, be careful:Mouth Drying, Mouth Ulcers, and Getting Your Tongue Bitten by Your Teeth

Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 10, 2012

How To Stop Addiction

Whoever's Shani/Rahu/Moon is giving bad effect, they feel like being high so they can escape their reality and forget their pains/problems.

This can be due to depression or because of habit.

Don't keep awake till late night, wear nice clothing, and stay away from bad company.

If your Sun is in bad state in your kundli, wear a 5-6ratti Manik in a copper ring in your ring finger (any hand) or your neck on Sunday.

Do Gayatri mantra while watching sunrise. Make sure you have sugar in one hand and rice in the other. This will improve your self-confidence.

If you're used to eating tobacco or feel like having it, take 250gm ajwain and cover it with the juice of 10 lemons. Add some black pepper, black salt, jaifal, dalchini powder (100gm). Mix it up and keep it in the sun to dry. Blend it and keep it in a glass bottle. Take this mixture whenever you feel like having tobacco.

When you feel weak, mentally and physically after giving up your addiction. Take yoghurt and milk regularly. Take lemon water (nimbu paani). Shower a few times a day with warm water. Do take the health tonics/syrups prescribed to you.

Do eat half cooked vegetables.

Take corn and use a pestel to smash it into small pieces. Put them into a glass of milk. Cook it so the milk is now ¾ of what it was. Add some honey to it and then eat it. This will strengthen your brain and body.

Do mantra "hare ram hare ram, ram-ram hare hare, hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare" - it develops your confidence and will make you peaceful.

Here's the gayatri mantra for those of you who have trouble concentrating and remembering the words: 

Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 08, 2012

Astrologial Remedies Based on Your Moon Sign

Learn some basic remedies that can be done by each person based on their Moon sign in times of need.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 06, 2012

How to Control Your Anger?

Anger should be controlled otherwise it's a big issue which can cause problems in the future. Learn the most effective remedies for each Moon sign as per Astro Uncle Pawan Sinha.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 05, 2012

How to Succeed in Exams


Jupiter gives a positive result in respect maintaining respect & recognition. You must pay respects to your Guru to make your Jupiter strong, even if you consider your isht as your Guru.

Kids who keep failing their exams or feel that it'll be hard for them to pass exams. You should consider getting your nose pierced and put a copper or silver thing, or whichever is their metal. For boys, they should keep a silver wire in a glass bottle with them at all times. This will bring them self-confidence, concentration, will-power. These will create such an interest in you towards study that you'll work hard and pass your exams.

Fill an earthen pot with "khaand" and put it on your study table. Do it in a way that ants don't get in it, for which you can take a big bowl, fill it with water, and then put the pot in it. Then study hard. You should pass all exams by studying with this remedy.

To succeed in life:

First the symptoms that show it's going to be hard for you to succeed in life:

if you have problems related to chest, lungs, and your mother's health is not good, and you have never really achieved success in life.
then don't ever drink milk at night,
donate milk on Mondays,
if you want to do something important then do so after eating eat sweets made of milk in the day. If you go at night, then just drink water - don't eat sweets made from milk.

If you are having problems that cause your friends to go away and you're left alone despite doing a lot of hard work. If this has happened a few times in your life, never construct a house, donate milk on Mondays and wear a silver ring given by your mother in your index finger on Monday or Thursday. This ring should be completely round - without breaks.

Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 04, 2012

The Thumb & Its Secrets

Brain, spine, thyroid, concentration, fate, health, anger and wealth - all these can be discovered by looking at one's thumb.

If both phalanges are equal, the thumb is long, if the middle line is a single line, then this is very good - such a person achieves a lot with less struggles. However, as the line increases and then achievements increase along with struggles. They have good life after 24.

You should see both side thumbs, but trust the right thumb.

If you stick your thumb out (like thumbs up) and your thumb leans forward or backward, then this is a sign of weak mental state. If the thumb's angle sticks too much (it has to be abnormally sticking out) outwards then you are someone who complains a lot about others or is negative. If it sticks out normally, then you can become famous or you can get a lot recognition.

If the nail on the thumb, doesn't have a bit of moon shpae on it then you need to do some yoga to make your brain stronger, meditation and also take some calcium. A moon on this is very good.

If your thumb has the shape of a turtle, then you need to destress, get a Guru and listen to Satsang.

If your thumb's nail is flat, is stuck the skin of thumb, pinkish then that shows a high brain power . You can do a lot of work without it stressing you or effecting your brain.

If the angle of the upper part of the thumb is in the shape of a bow, then you'll get good recognition and your select friends will always be helpful to you. However, if the thumb sticks out too much, then you'll make friends very quickly and they will go away just as fast. This also means that your professional relationships will be very good, but the same won't be true of your personal relationships.

Also, if the bone is not sticking out at all then this means you won't have anyone to call your own.

Love life: If you don't have a third phalange/division in the thumb, then this means you'll have to struggle/adjust and sacrifice a lot to get love. If your 3 divisions are of equal length, then this means that you'll achieve a lot due to your willpower. And despite having all achievements, you'll get good cooperation from your life partner.
Even if the third division is not as big, then this means you'll surely marry.
If the division at the bottom is not proper and has a cut, then this means you'll need to Mars related remedies throughout life.

Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 02, 2012

How to Keep Your Money Safe From Others

Whether you know it or now, there may be some people who may be eyeing your wealth. Below are some astrological tips to help you keep your money and property safe from others.
Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

September 01, 2012

How to Correctly Celebrate Your Birthday

Learn special remedies you should do on your birthday.
Posted by  Astro Vani       3 comments

September 01, 2012

Mercury/Buddh - for good luck

Normally we only pay attention to Shani and Rahu under the false misconceptions that these are the only planets that can cause us harm. In fact, you must not forget that every planets gives its equal no. of positive and negative effects. Your brain development is determined by Mercury. If you want to do something distinguished or something big in life, then after fate, it's your work, in which the most important thing is to make the right decisions. The ability to take right decisions is given by Mercury.
Posted by  Astro Vani       5 comments

August 30, 2012

How to Succeed in Education

Children have many dreams about the type of education they want to get.

Despite many efforts, many people aren't able to achiever higher education.

Sun, Mercury, & Jupiter need to be in good position for someone to achieve good degrees. Or in Gochar, if these planets have a positive influence, then too people get their degrees.

Right now, Mangal & Shani are together, which means there'll be hurdles in study. These will cause problems in admission, or failure in interviews, or they won't be able to start their studies immediately.

Whenever Sun or Jupiter put a negative effect, you'll get a good degree, but it will be from a lower level institute.

To get higher education:
Aditya hridya strot path - to do it 3 times should take about 15minutes. Also read the beginning story. This will improve your Sun.
Also pay respect to Sun.
Wear 3 copper coins in green thread on wednesday around your neck.

If you want to study a lot and achieve a lot in the field of research:
take the responsibility of taking care of a cow

If you want to study something that requires a lot of money:
take a bottle full of Gangajal (water from the river Ganges) and put a bit of unboiled milk in it. Bury this at an isolated place on Monday and Wednesday. This is until you don't have enough money for your studies/to go abroad for study.

Posted by  Astro Vani       0 comments

Move From Astrology to Spirituality by Astro Vani  on  June 07
Have a Successful Day With These Tips by Astro Vani  on  August 14
Predictions for 2018 by Astro Vani  on  January 01

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