Predictions for the next 12 months

Below are the predicitons by Pawan Sinha ji based on one's day of birth for the coming 12 months. So the date on the left applies to you if you celebrated your birthday on this day. The remedies mentioned are meant for any negative effects or problems that may occur in your coming year. Apart from the individual remedies for each birthday, you may also be interested in some special remedies you can do on your birthday to bring more luck in the coming year.

We apologise for the dates that are missing :-( .


Forecast for the next 12 months



The coming 12 months are very good for you. There will be a lot of hard work, but you will surely get success. You may start a new business. There can be increased tussles in your family, which can be overcome if you remain patience. There may also be increased emotional issues like fight with someone, anxiety due to the person you are in love with, being saddened due to the sadness of someone close to you. You will confidently overcome any problems caused by people who dislike you.


Your coming 12 months will give mixed results. On the one hand you will get to start some new work, while on the other you may have to forgo your relationship with your friend(s). Your anger and ego will increase this year, which will cause obstacles in your success. There may be a bad effect on your wealth and reputation too. However, as the year overall is good, you will get the support of knowledgeable people or your guru. This support will help restore your wealth and reputation. Remedies: care for your sister and aunt (father's sister); give food and gifts to prepubescent girls on every ashtami; if you'd like to do some big work in the coming year, then also start giving green grass to cows on Wednesdays.


The coming 12 months are going to be good for you if you have patience and the drive to do things without expecting immediate results. Otherwise, the year will trouble you. Do not start anything new this year - especially things related to property (for living purpose) and marriage. Remedies: do argala stotra paath every morning. 


Your coming year is going to be very good for you. There may be some emoitonal problems in the months of May, August, and November - don't take any big decisions. The work started last year will move forward in the coming year with less struggles. Remedies: give food to manual laborers and their children on Tuesdays - make sure to include red (masoor) lentils in the food.


Your coming 12 months will prove to be life-changing. Your past problems will get resolved whereby you may have to lose something, but in general you will get many new opportunities. You may buy some property, new job, new course, change place of residence, promotion, marriage, etc. Remedies: accept changes in your life with an open mind; work hard; pray to your personal god (isht dev); light a candle under the peepal tree on Saturdays after sunset; try to be close to your parents and listen to what they have to say to you.


Your coming year is going to be good for you. There will be a lot of travel involved, which will prove fruitful. Try to do some work related to abroad if you'd like to do some business. You will get support from your mother, maternal grandparents, and maternal uncles. There may be an increase in emotional problems. You may make new relationships, which will prove fruitful. In general, you will feel motivated. Remedies: care for the sick on Mondays; get a water fountain installed for the needy.


Your coming 12 months will bring you success. Your travels will prove fruitful. There will be support to you from your mother. Work related to abroad will succeed. Your mind will be enthusiastic. There will be some emotional problems as your old relationships will make you discouraged, however, you will make new relationships that will improve the situation.Remedies: care for the sick on Mondays; donate water - this can be in a form of getting a water fountain installed somewhere or at least putting out a container with water from where others can take the drinking water on their own.


Your coming 12 months are very good for you - you will have to work very hard, which in turn will surely bring great gains for you. So, remember that you must not be lazy in the coming year in order to get the gains. If you'd like to enter a new industry, then you'll get some good opportunities. Be careful about diseases from the cold or general breathing related illnesses. You may also get into some kind of problems due to your friends or elders in the family. This year's November and February 2015 will be very good for your success - work even harder during this time.Remedies: don't be awake till late in the night - sleep by 10-11pm; give food to manual laborers on Saturdays; don't wear black clothes on Saturdays.


You need to be very careful in the coming 12 months as you will be tested often. A lot of the tasks you will set out to do may meet some obstacles at the last minute.  There may even be strains in your relationships. You may not enjoy your work anymore along with feeling unhappy with your place of residence too. You'll feel like going on a holiday or away from your home more than usual. The months of May and July require you to be very careful, so don't take any big decision in these months. Remedies: do not take any decisions in haste; take the advice of others before deciding on something; don't start any new work; be patient in your relationships; give food to poor children on Tuesdays and Fridays; try to care for your guru, temple and cows as much as you can.


Your coming year is going to require you to work very hard. The fruits of your labor will show slowly but surely. There will be new opportunities for business or job. You may have some problems due to servants. There may also be some pains in your body, so be aware of that. January, March, June and August will bring you happiness. Remedies: give food to manual laborers on Saturdays to reduce your struggles.

Your coming 12 months are going to be full of obstacles in your health, relationships, partnerships, and friendships. However, it will be good for you professionally. People who are in business or at a job will see opportunities to travel that will prove fruitful. The months of March, June, & December are good for you. The months of February, August and November can bring you emotional distress so be careful in these months. Remedies: donate milk and savory items on Tuesdays and  Fridays to prepubescent poor girls.


Your success is certain, but with some struggles. You may start some new work. Remain patient when it comes to your home or your relationships with your loved ones. You will be able to overcome anyone who shows any sort of enmity/negativity to you. People who are in jobs or students will certainly see success. Remedies: learn to speak with love; donate some wheat in a copper vessel to a poor person on Sundays.


Your coming 12 months are good. The months of May, August, and November may bring you some emotional problems but the rest of the year is going to be good for you. The work you started this year will move forward. There is less struggles for you in the coming year as there will be at least 2 big achievements in the coming year. Remedies: give food to manual laborers and their children every Tuesday; make sure to include red lentils and jaggery in the food you give them.


Your coming 12 months are influenced by Rahu, so you will get success only after a lot of hard work. Be patient in your family matters to avoid any problems. There may be some damage to your possessions as well as to your reputation from friends. There may also be problems in your romantic relationship. You may start some new line of work and you will be overcome anyone who harbors enmity to you. People who are in jobs or students will see progress. Remedies: donate wheat in a copper vessel to a poor person (or to more people) every Sunday. 


The coming 12 months are not good for personal relationships or your health. Your extended family members may harm your reputation, friends may cause you some problems, your loved ones may also cause you some obstacles. However, you will see progress at your workplace and/or your business will improve. February and August are going to be very good months for you. Remedies: donate some milk and savory items to poor young prepubescent girls on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


Your coming year is going to be very good for you. YOu may complete some work related to your home or vehicles. If you are in love with someone, then you may get married or if you're married, then your married life will improve. You will see progress. You may make some plans to go on a long journey. Be careful while investing into anything. You may have some loss due to the opposite sex. Remedies: do argala stotra paath everyday; throw 5 grains of mishri into any kind of flowing water.

Your coming 12 months are going to be very useful to you. There may be some auspicious work done - marriage, home, vehicles, child, renovation, etc. You will see progress. Your mood will improve. You will get to learn new things. You may even fall in love. Remedies: be aware when talking with the opposite sex; donate savory items on Fridays; get a water fountain installed somewhere or at least arrange for someone to take water out of a container from in front of your home ; take bath with the help of yoghurt.

The coming year will bring you mixed results.On one hand, you may get some new work opportunities, while on the other hand, you may have to bid farewell to some of your friends. Be careful about increased anger and arrogance in you in the coming year, which can dampen your reputation as well as cause some financial losses. Remedies: take care of your father's sister and your sister; give food and gifts to prepubescent girls on every Ashtami; give green grass to cows every Wednesday.


The coming year is going to give many ups and downs. There will be some new work opportunities. You can achieve a lot in the months of February, August, & November. There will be tendency to increase your temper and also increase your arrogance, but try your best to keep these under control to avoid bad effects on your reputation and financial losses. Try to be very calm in the months of March, September, and December - don't take any big decisions and be careful while driving during these months. Remedies: feed green grass to cows every Wednesday.


Your coming year is going to be good. Just be careful in May and August that may give you some emotional troubles. You will see progress in your endeavors, but you will have to be very patient as you will be continuously tested for your patience. Remedies: donate food to manual laborers and their children, make sure you include some jaggery and red lentils in the food - the food can be cooked or raw.


Your coming year is going to be very good for you. You will see progress and success from travels. Work related to abroad will also get completed. There will be support from your mother. You will feel enthusiastic throughout the year, which can possibly cause some ego issues and cause some emotional obstacles. Older relationships will end while also gaining some new relationships. Remedies: care for the ill on Mondays; donate drinking water - get a water fountain installed; walk a few steps in someone's funeral.



The coming year requires some alertness from your side. A few of the tasks you had set out to do will not get completed. Your relationships will also require some maintenance from you - whether they be with friends or your family. You may also feel that you don't like your workplace or your place of residence. You may also be in 2 minds about things where you will want to do one thing but the next minute you'll want to do another. Remedies: take decisions after consulting your elders; don't start anything new; give food to poor children every Tueday & Friday; be patient in your relationships; care for a cow, your guru, and place of worship every now and then.   


Your coming 12 months are very good for you. Your hard work will reap good rewards for you. There is a possibility of you doing some social work, start a new job/business. There may be some problems from the elders in your home and from the staff members at your work place, but things will be good overall. February 2015 may bring you happiness and success. August 2015 and November 2015 are going to be extremely good for you. Remedies: give food to manual laborers on Saturdays - make sure you include black lentils/black sweets in the food you give them.  



Your coming year is going to bring you progress. You will gain from travels and work related to abroad. Your mother will also help you.You will be very excited and happy, however, as you soar, your emotional problems will increase. Old relationships may trouble you, but you will also make new relationships. Remedies: care for the sick on Mondays - by giving them medicines for instance; get a water fountain installed; give drinking water to others; join the funeral procession of anyone when possible.


Although your coming 12 months are very good, you will become very emotional that will cause some problems. You will see progress in work that you started after 17th July 2013. Work related to abroad will progress. You will make new relationships. Control your anger, depression, and irritable nature. Remedies: donate 5 fruits and milk on Mondays; make it a habit to give drinking water to others.


You need to be very careful in your coming year. Many of your tasks may not get completed and you may also feel a strain in your relationship with others. You will be in a lot of confusion and will no longer enjoy your place of work. Be careful in the November 2013, May 2015, and July 2015. Remedies: don't take any decision without consultation; don't start any new work; be patient when it comes to relationships; give food to poor children every Tuesday and Friday; do as much as you can for your guru, temple, and cows.


The coming year is going to be very good. You will get good results of your hard work. You will get opportunities to go to new places and start some new work. You may even start a new industrial project. There may be some problems from the elderly at home and from the staff at your workplace. Be careful in the months of February, August, November - be patient in these months. Remedies: give food to manual laborers on Saturdays. 


Your coming year is not so great, you have to be careful. Many of your tasks may not get completed. Sometimes you may feel that everything will turn out well, while at other times you will feel that nothing is turning out as it should. This will cause you to feel disappointed. There may be cracks in your relationships. You will not enjoy your place of work or your place of residence. You will be in some sort of disillusionment. Be especially careful in the months of March, July, and August. Remedies: start speaking in a very nice tone with everyone because people are drifting away from you due to your temper, your vani-dosh, and your impatience.


Your coming 12 months are good for you, just be careful in the months of May, August, and November. There can be some emotional problems in these months. Any work that had stopped in this year will get restarted in the coming year. Your struggles will gradually reduce resulting in success. Remedies: give food to manual laborers and their children every Tuesday - make sure you include some jaggery and red lentils in the food.


Your coming year is influenced by Rahu and Ketu, but in a favorable manner. This means that the negative effects of 2013 will finally dissipate. You may start some new work. There will still be struggles, but you have to be patient, especially in regards to family matters. Be careful from friends, who may cause damage to your valuables. Your love relationship may also go through some problems. You may start some new line of work. Your enemies will be calm or you may win them over. Remedies: stop wearing black and blue clothes - only wear on special occassions if you have to; wear something made of silver around your neck; donate copper and wheat on Sundays.


You will have to work very hard, which will give you very good results. You may get to learn something new or get into new industries. There might be some difficulties from the elderly in your home or staff at your workplace. November 2014, February 2015, and August 2015 will bring your happiness and success. Remedies: give food to manual laborers on Saturdays.


The coming 12 months are going to be very useful for you as you may complete some auspicious work related to marriage, property, new vehicle, reconstruction, new relationships, etc. Your mood will be good. You will progress. There are possibilities of you getting into a new relationship. You may get stuck in some bad relationships, so be careful in your behavior with the opposite sex. Remedies: donate savory items on Fridays; take bath with yogurt on Fridays; get a drinking fountain installed.


You will need to be careful about your coming 12 months. Although you will get to start a new work, you may have to say goodbye to some of your friends. Your impatience can cause you a lot of losses; control your anger and ego to avoid financial and reputataional losses. Remedies: care for your sister and aunt (father's mother); give food and gifts to prepubescent girls on every Ashtami; give green grass to cows every Thursday.


Your coming year is full of success. You'll get good opportunities at your workplace and may even get to start a new business. June 2015, August 2015, and September 2015 will be especially good for you. Stay away from controversies to avoid any problems. Be careful about too much Vaata issues and pains in the body to avoid any bad effect on your work. Remedies: do the hanuman chalisa paath before sleeping while sitting in the meditation position; give food to manual laborers on Saturdays.


The coming 12 months require you to be careful. Any work done without proper planning or done in haste will not get fulfilled. Your relationships will also need care to avoid cracks in them. You will feel a bit afraid of going to work or may not like going to work. At times, you will not feel like coming home. You will be under some sort of illusion. The months of November 2014, May 2015 and July 2015 require you to be extra careful - don't criticize others, don't take big decisions, eat proper food, save your reputation. Remedies: give food to the blind and manual laborers on Saturdays.


The coming year is good for you. However, you may get too emotional, which can cause you problems. Despite this there will be progress. Any work started in 2013 will move forward this year. Work related to abroad will also see progress. You will make new relations with new people. Keep your anger, depression, irritability under control to avoid cracks in relationships. Remedies: wear a silver ring in either of the ring fingers on a Monday; donate milk and things made of milk every now and then.


Your coming year is very good for you, where you can surely prove yourself if you try. Many of your problems will go away. You may have to lose a few things, but the coming year can be a life changing one for you. There may be renovation of the home, buying a home/plot, new job/promotion, new course of study, marriage, or some kind of big work in the home can be completed in the coming year. Remedies: donate 5 fruits and milk every Monday; offer drinking water to people; try to walk some distance in the funeral rites of even an unknown person.    


You will need to be very careful in the coming 12 months. Many things may not transpire at the very end. Your relationships also needs special attention to avoid any cracks. Do your work with dedication to avoid confusions about your work. Even students and people who have to decide about their marriage can be under a lot of stress and confusions. Be especially careful in the months of November, May 2015, and July 2015 as any wrong decision can cause a lot of problems. Remedies: don't decide on anything by yourself - get sound advice from someone; don't start anything new - whether it's a new job, study, buying a new house or getting married; give food to poor children on Tuesdays and Fridays; care for cows, your guru (teacher), and temple (place of worship) as much as you can.


Your coming year is very good for you if you'd like to join a new job or business. You may even complete some new work. The months of June, August and September 2015 are going to be good for you. However, be careful about some sort of scandal throughout the year. Be also careful about some pain or increase kapha in the body. Remedies: sit in meditation pose and do Hanuman chalisa paath before sleeping every day ; donate food to manual laborers every Saturday; wear clean and glowing clothes; apply pure sandalwood perfume or its oil on the body.


There may be obstacles in your personal relationsihps, but there will be good results in your professional sphere. There will be a lot of dissatisfaction, which will cause you health problems and you may also not get to enjoy your success. There may also be some obstacles in your friendship and romantic relationship. Your extended family members may also be annoyed by you especially at  some family gathering. Remedies: donate salted food items to the poor - especially to children - on Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays.


Your coming months are going to be very useful and fruitful for you. There can be some progress in regards to your job, propery, begetting a child, a new vehicle, marriage, some kind of reconstruction in the home, or some other kind of major success. Your mood will improve and get to learn something new. Youngsters may fall in love. Remedies: be careful in your behavior with the opposite sex; donate salted food items on Fridays; get a water fountain installed at some place if you can; apply some curd/yoghurt on yourself while taking a shower on Fridays.


Your coming 12 months will bring you mixed results. February, August, & November 2015 will be good months for you. Try not to do things in haste in the coming year as being too much in a hurry can bring you some losses. Also be vigilant about your anger and egoistic behavior - keep these under contro to avoid losses. Be careful about your health in the months of February, July, September, & December. Remedies: give food and gifts to young girls on every ashtami; care for your sister and your father's sister.


The coming year is affected by Rahu, but it's a positive effect. This year will rid you of the bad effects of the last year, but you will still have to work hard. You can be successful in resolving family problems with patience only. There can be damage to your belongings by your friends. Your romantic relationship may also suffer some problems. You may start a new business and you will be successful in case of anyone opposing you. Remedies: do not wear black and blue clothes; wear a silver chain around your neck; donate copper and wheat on Sundays.


You will start a new chapter in your life this year. The months of January, March, May, August, and September 2015 will prove to be very fruitful for getting something special done. Work hard in the coming year to achieve even more. You may get a new job, get married, complete some study, or even get some property. Just make sure you do not get ill as the illness can become permanent. Be also careful about your parents and friends including their health. Remedies: keep a fast on Tuesdays or Fridays; give food or gifts to young girls on Fridays; maintain good relationships with your parents and friends.


Your coming year is very good for you. You will get support to fulfil your desires.You may complete some tasks and even get opportunities to go abroad if you try; just be careful about your mother, maternal grandmother, and mother's brother's. Any work related to your studies, marriage, job, or business will get completed. Remedies: donate food made of milk to children after sunset on Fridays and Mondays.


The coming 12 months will be very good for you. There will be changes - old problems will go away and you will see some gains coming your way. You may get some distinguished successes and will open a new chapter in your life. Remedies: put some oil under the peepal tree after sunset on Saturdays; donate black clothes on Saturdays; and if possible, get a drinking water fountain installed at your place of birth.


People who are calm and patient will not see much problems, but people who are very ambitious need to watch out as their work may not materialize at the last moment. So, do not do anything big in haste. Even if you don't have work, then don't worry as the situation will be the same until April. There will be some opportunities for change, but don't do it until April. After April, you can do so without hesitation as it will bring you success. Remedies: do remedies for Shani and Rahu; do not get angry; take part in satsang; go to some "teerth-sthan"/religious pilgrimage; wear the Shammi tree's root around your neck on a Saturday in a black thread.



Your coming 12 months will be life-changing for you. Problems from before will end despite some losses - monetary or relatioship-wise. You may succeed in achieving something of significance like a new home, plot, job, promotion, marriage, etc. Remedies: accept changes and work with honesty and discipline at your workplace; pray to your isht, light a candle under the peepal tree after sunset on Saturdays ; try to do things to get closer to your parents. 


Your comng 12 months require you to be very careful. There can be obstacles in the projects you undertake; strains in relationships; confusion; you may not like the work you are doing or the place you are living at. Be careful about not taking any wrong decisions in the months of November 2014, May 2015 and July 2015. On the positive side, you will get to start a new work, new relationships. Your old relationships may weaken a little bit, but after February 2015 you will see yourself achieving more. Remedies: don't take decisions without sound advice; be patient in your relationships; don't start anything new; give food to poor children every Tuesday and Friday; care for a cow, guru, and/or temple.


You need to very careful about your personal relationships as there may be some emotional dissatisfaction that can cause problems. Be also careful about your reltaionship with your relatives and your business partnership. Any work related to abroad my move forward. Your business will also see progress but with some hurdles. January, February, April and July 2015 are very good for you. Remedies: feed cooked food and donate medicines to the ill on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.


Your coming 12 months are very good. You may start a new work. December 2014, February 2015, & April 2015 are very good months for you. Your anxiety, restlessness, anger, arrogance, may increase. It will be hard for you to control these, which might cause some financial and social loss. Remedies: give food and gifts to young girls (below the age of 8) on every ashtami and feed green grass to cows on Wednesdays.


Your coming 12 months are affected by Rahu so you need to be very careful throughout the year. The effects of Rahu will be positive this year in contrast to the last year, but there will still be struggles. The problems in the family will get resolved, provided you are patient - don't let yourself overcome with anger. There can be some damage to your belongings from friends. There can be problem in your romantic relationship as well. You may start some new work, but after some struggles. You may win over your enemies. Remedies: donate some wheat in a copper vessel on Sundays.


Your coming months are very good although there can be some emotional problems in the months of November 2014 and February 2015. Work started in the past year will move forward this year and you will see success and less struggles. Remedies: give food to laborers and their children every Tuesday - make sure there is urad dal, jaggery, and yellow lentils in the food.


Your coming year is very good. There may be some problems, but will be overall good. You may complete some major work like buy a new home or plot, promotion, birth of a new chld, new job, get admission in a new college, etc..Remedies: light a candle under the peepal tree every Saturday after sunset; try to be close to your parents; do satsang or Vishnu mantra.


You need to be very careful in your coming year as many new projects may not materialize at the last moment.There may be some strains in relationships that may cause you some difficulty or you may not enjoy your work as much as you'd like to. Your mind can be somewhat confused. Be careful in the months of November 2014, May 2015 and July in 2015 - don't take any big decisions in these months. However, if you do some remedies then you can see some benefits coming your way in these months. Remedies: take decisions after enough deliberation; be patient in your relationships; don't start any new work; care for a cow, guru, and/or a temple; give food to poor children every Tuesday and Friday.


Your coming 12 months are very good. They will make you work very hard, but will also give you great results. You may get good opportunities to start work in a new industry. Be careful about cold and breath related diseases. There can be problems due to the elders in the family or from friends. You may get success in November 2014 and in February 2015. Remedies: don't stay up too late; feed manual laborers on Saturdays; don't wear black clothes on Saturdays.


There may be a lot of obstacles in personal relationships - be it guru-disciple, spouse, friendship, partnership, etc.. However there will be giood results professionally. Any work related to abroad can also fructify. There will be an odd sense of dissatisfaction in you. This will arise due to you becoming very ambitious or very emotional. This dissatisfaction will cause you to not enjoy the successes you do get. It can also cause you health problems related to the throat, breathing, or back pain. So, try to be happy. Remedies: put some vegetables in a clay vessel and donate to poor young girls on Wednesdays. 


There can be obstacles in your personal relationships, but professionally it will be a very good year. You will hurdles in your friendships and romantic relationship. This year will weaken your ability to compromise with others, your peace of mind,  or partnerships. November 2014, February 2015, and April 2015 are good months for you, but be patient so you don't sour your relationships. Remedies: donate milk and savory things to young poor children on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


The coming 12 months will bring about mixed results. While on one hand you will get an opportunity to start new work, on the other hand, you will have some problems too. You may have to depart with some friends. Your extended family members may cause you some problems too. November 2014, February 2015, and August 2015 are good months for you. If you are not patient, you may develop some bad habits this year. It will become harder for you to control your anger and ego, which can cause some harm to your reputation as well as your finances - especially in the months of September 2014, December 2014, February 2015, and July 2015. At the same time, you will get the blessings of your guru and learned people. Remedies: take care of your sister and your father's sister; give food and gifts to young girls on each ashtami; give green grass to cows on Wednesdays.


Your coming months are very good, but there might be some emotional hurdles to overcome. Be very careful about the health of your parents, elders, and your guru. You will be able to complete the work of previous years. There will be less struggles and more successes. You will be able to resolve any problems that you start to work towards. Remedies: offer food to manual laborers and their children on Tuesdays; donate some honey in a temple on Thursdays.


The coming 12 months are very good for you. Your luck may change with the help of elders or your guru. You may learn something new. However, be careful about your health. Remedies: do some sort of prayer or woship every Thursday; plant a marigold plant (genda ka phool) in your home.


The coming months are good for you as you will get emotional support. You will be able to make new positive relationships. Work related to abroad may get completed. Your mind may feel anxious and you may even lose your concentration. Take care of your mother. Remedies: do maha-mrityunjaya chant 108x anytime on Mondays throughout your birthday year.


There will be new opportunities to progress so it will be a very good year for you. There may be some obstacles in progress due to your emotional issues. Be very careful if you are in any romantic relationship as it can cause a bad effect on your future. You will have to do some remedies to maintain a good marriage. The months of November 2014, February 2015, & August 2015 are good months for you so use them wisely.


If you have patience, are calm, and an ability to do hardwork without worrying too much about the results, then it will be a good year for you. Otherwise, it won't be so good as you shouldn't do any new work this year - espeically work related to marriage or property. Remedies: do argala stotra paath every morning until your next birthday.


Your coming 12 months are very good. You will get good results of your hard work. There may be opportunities to start new work. There may be some problems from the elders in your family or from your colleagues. November 2014 and February 2015 will bring about happiness. Be careful not to get sick as it can hinder your progress. Remedies: give food to manual laborers on Saturdays.


The coming 12 months are good for you and you may even start some new line of work. However, be careful about a few things: you may get into some quarrels with some people, which will be a cause of some problems; this is especially noteworthy for people who work in partnerships. Take special care in maintaining good relations with your friends. The good months for you are September 2014, December 2014, and March 2015 for some new work or some auspicious work. Remedies: give food to cow(s) everyday; donate moong dal in an earthen pot on Wednesdays. 


Your coming year is going to be very good for you as you may complete some auspicious tasks - marriage, buying a new home, reconstruction in the home, etc. There will certainly be progress. You mindset will become more positive. If you're attempting to do something in regards to spirituality, then you may find a guru, get guru's blessings, or get diksha from a guru. Remedies: be kind to widowed and poor women and donate food to them on Fridays.


You will see mixed results in the coming year. On one hand you will get to do some new work, while on the other hand, your current line of work may see obstacles. The months of November 2014 and Februaray 2015 are very important for you as you may get something completed during these months. You will have a tendency to be impatient, which will cause problems. Your anger and irritability will also increase. All of these will cause some financial losses to you. Remedies: gift some red cloth (anything that you can afford) to your sister and father's sister on Tuesdays; feed green grass to cows on Wednesdays.


Your coming year is going to be affected by Rahu, but in a friendly way, hence giving you positive results after some struggles. Even your problems related to family will go away if you keep patience. There may be an attempt to tarnish your reputation by friends. There may also be troubles in your romantic relationsihp. Your business may also go throubles. Remedies: do not wear black or blue clothes; wear a silver chain around your neck; donate some copper and wheat on Sundays.


Your coming 12 months are very good. Just be emotionally careful in the months of May 2015, August 2015, and November 2015. You will be able to move forward with any projects started in the past few years. Your struggles will reduce and will get success. Remedies: don't keep things related to Mars near you; wear a khaki hat or some head turban in khaki sometimes; eat sweets - only if they're not bad for your health; distribute sweets to others too.


Your coming year is going to be good for you, although you may become increasingly emotional, which may cause some problems in relationships. Despite this, you will see yourself succeed. You may have started some new work in 2013, which will get completed even if it may have gotten stuck. If you're thinking of doing some work related to abroad then go ahead with it. You will build new relationship. Control your anger, depressive tendencies, and feelings of irritability. Remedies: put  some rice in a white cloth & throw that in a river or any kind of flowing water body; get rid of your greediness and selfishness.


Your coming 12 months will bring about a lot of change in your life. Your problems from before will disappear. You may lose out on a few things, but overall you will see positive changes. You may do something auspicious such as getting married, a new home, a new job, a new course, promotion, or buying a new plot of land. Remedies: accept the changes coming into your life; pray to your isht dev in the mornings, light a candle under the bargad tree after sunset on Tuesdays.


Your coming 12 months require you to be very careful. Do not start any new work in the coming year as initially the work may seem like it's going to be a success, but something or the other may cause it to fail at the last minute leading you to bear a lot of losses. Some special relationship may go through some strains and you will also not feel like continuing with your existing line of work. Tensions and confusions will increase. However, your luck will change for the better after March 2015, so some successes may come your way after that. Remedies: give food to the poor every Tuesday and Saturday; start each day by first doing the mantra for your isht dev.


This will be a year of change and prosperity. You may not feel as excited about your existing work and will want to do something new. However, the new line of work will prove successful as you will enjoy it more. Your health and the health of your loved ones may be a cause of some concerns througout the year. Remedies: wear black clothes or at least a black thread; donate white lentils in a black cloth on Saturdays; help manual laborers and leprosy patients on Saturdays.



Your next 12 months are very good, but you will see good results October onwards. You may see your luck change for the better especially in November, February 2015, & April 2015. You may start some new work in the coming 12 months, for instance, a new job, marriage, new home, new vehicle, business, etc. However, some relationships may cause you some sadness too. Remedies: eat your food after offering "bhog" to your isht dev and getting blessings from the elders in the home.


You need to be very careful in your coming 12 months as many tasks that you had expected to materialize may not move forward at the last moment. There may be some cracks in relationships that may cause you some difficulty. You may not enjoy your work as much as you'd like to. You may become confused/be in some illusions. Be especially careful in the months of November, May 2015 and July 2015. Remedies: give food to young poor girls below the age of 8 on Fridays.


The coming 12 months will be very good professionally and health-wise. However, there can be problems in regards to friendships, romantic relationship, and relationships with extended family members. You may go abroad or your work related to abroad can flourish. Remedies: donate savory food items to poor young girls below the age of 8 on Sundays and Fridays; give green grass to cows on Wednesdays.


The next coming year will bring professional success to you, but your health may suffer. Be aware that there may be obstacles in friendships and your romantic relationship. Some misunderstandings between you and your extended family members may develop which may cause them to bad mouth you. On the other hand, any work related to abroad may flourish especially in November, Feb. 2015, & April 2015. These are progressive months for you so work hard and pray to your isht to help you more. Remedies: donate milk and savory food items to manual laborers on Fridays and Sundays. 


The full 12 months are full of many ups and downs. There will be opportunities to do new work, with November 2014, February 2015, & March 2015 being especially good to start something new or you may get some kind of happy news in these months. However, the next 12 months will make you a very angry and egoistic person, which you will need to try hard to control to avoid monetary losses and blows to your reputation. Do not take any big decisions in the months of September, December, and March 2015. Also be careful while driving in these months. Remedies: give green grass to cows every Wednesday.


The coming 12 months can be quite revolutionary for you. There may be some work completed in regards to marriage, child, property, or vehicle. There will be good progress and your mood will become better. You may learn something new. You can get into a romantic relationship with someone. Even your mindset will see some positive changes. Precaution/remedies: be careful in your behavior with people of the opposite sex to avoid any controversy; donate savory food items on Fridays; get a water fountain installed at a place where people may use it; put some yoghurt in your bath water on Fridays - you can rinse it off with fresh water afterwards.


The next 12 months can give a new direction to your life. You will understand the value of relationships, will get support of a guru, and will learn something new. Be careful about your health and about the health of your elders. You may also feel that your elders are not giving you enough love. Remedies: care for cows everyday and read any religious book everyday.


The coming 12 months will be influenced by Rahu making it a struggle-filled period for you. Be patient in family issues to avoid any problems. There can be some losses due to friends. There can also be difficulties in your romantic relationship. You may start a new line of work and will be able to win over enemies. Students and people in jobs may see some success. Remedies: put a bit of wheat in a copper container and donate it to someone poor every Sunday.


The coming 12 months will be of mixed results. You may get a chance to start new work, but may see that your friends are distancing themselves from you. August 2014, November 2014, and February 2015 will be good months for you, so try to do good work in these months to succeed. You will need to control your anger and ego otherwise you may have to undergo some  damage to your status and wealth. Be very careful in the months of September 2014, December 2014, February 2015, and July 2015 as these months can bring you losses. Remedies: care for your sister and your father's sister (aunt); give food and gifts to young girls below the age of 8 on every ashtami; give green grass to cows every Wednesday until your next birthday.


The next 12 months will bring about a lot of change for you. Your long term problems will finish and you will seem many things coming your way. You may complete many pending things like buying a new home, a new plot, new job, a new course you may have enrolled in, new school, promotion, or marriage. However there will be some problems too - you may feel like you're leaving something behind. So do the following remedies: pray to your isht, offer water to the rising Sun everyday; light a candle under the peepal tree after sunset on Saturdays.


You need to be very careful for the next 12 months as there are many things you will want to accomplish, but will not be able to complete. There can also be strains in relationships. The place you work at or the place you live at will also not seem like the place you want to be at. There will be a state of confusion. In November 2014, May 2015 and July 2015 the confusions can increase further, so try not to take any important decisions during these months. Despite the confusions, May 2015 and July 2015 will also prove to be very fruitful. Remedies: before taking any decision, take advice from elders or intelligent family members; it's better not to take any decision regarding anything new; be patient in your relationships despite any issues, don't take any major decision in haste.


You need to a lot of hardwork, but in the right direction as any efforts in the right direction will prove very beneficial to you for many years to come. There may be opportunities to start work in new industries. However, the elders in your family may suffer due to some illness and your subordinates or servants/maids may cause some problems. November 2014 and February 2015 are especially beneficial for you. Remedies: donate some food to manual laborers/saints/or the handicapped - not to beggars.


The coming year will bring about problems in your personal life, but success in the professional front. There will be a feeling of dissatisfaction, which will cause a bad effect on your head, eyes, throat, and stomach. There will also be some obstacles in your friendships, relationship with family members, and romantic relationship. November, February 2015, and April 2015 will be favorable months for you. Remedies: every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, donate some savory snacks to young girls who are younger than 8 years old.


The next 12 months will be of mixed results - positive and negative. While on one side you'll have the opportunity to start something new, on the other hand, your friends may distance themselves from you. August, November, and February 2015 will be very good months for you to start something new in your job or business. It will be very hard for you to keep your anger in check this year, which may prove harmful to your reputation and your economic situation - especialy in September, December, February 2015, and July 2015. Remedies: care for your sister and father's sister; give food and donations to young girls on every ashtami; give green grass to cows on Wednesdays.


The negative effects of past year will go away this year, but not without losses. Be very patient in anything to do with family to avoid any problems. There may be some damage to your reputation by friends. Your romantic relationship may also have some problems. Students and people who are in jobs will see success. Remedies: donate white clothes every now and then; eat and donate fennel seeds (saunf) and mishri everyday. 

The coming 12 months are very good for you barring a few emotional issues in August and November. The work you may have started last year will see progress. Your struggles will decrease. Remedies: give food to people who do manual labor, include the food for their children when you do this on Tuesdays. This food can be either cooked or raw. Make sure you have red lentils and jaggery as part of the food you give them.

Your coming year is going to be good for you. You may become increasingly emotional, which may cause you to be irrational at times, hence, may create some problems for you. So try to control yourself to avoid any emotional outbursts and achieve success. any work started during the coming year will be prosperous. If you wish to go abroad, then go for it as you will most probably succeed. You may make some new relationships, but control your anger and depression to make sure that older relationships don't break. Remedies: donate milk and 5 fruits on Mondays; give water to your elders when possible; any time you see a funeral procession, then try to walk with them for some distance.


Be careful in the coming year as some work you were expecting to complete may encounter a failures at the very last stage. There may be a strain on your relationships. You may not feel good at your workplace or at the location of your home. You may be in some kind of illusions especially during November, May 2015, and July 2015. Remedies: don't take any decision in haste, anger, or to show off; if you wish to start any new work, then do so from February 2015; keep feeding some food to dogs daily until your next birthday.


There may be some obstacles in your personal relationships and some problems in any work related to weddings. Some tensions or problems in your married life can also occur if you're not calm. There may be a bad effect on your health due to mental dissatisfaction / anxiety. Foreign related work can get started. Your business will expand, but with small hurdles. Remedies: Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays, donate gud/jaggery and milk to young poor girls; wear a silver chain around your neck; control your anger.


You may do some work involving repainting or reconstruction work in your home. There will be some auspicious work done in regards to your children - perhaps their marriage. There will be progress and some movements. Your mentality may change. There may be some important travels that you might undertake. Remedies for some problems that might occur: donate salted makkhana (foxnut) on Fridays and also use them in your bath water on Fridays.

The year ahead is good for you, despite there being some emotional problems. These problems will cause you some agony and make you struggle at times. Care for your family members' health. Remedies: every Thursday, give food to or care for people who are very knowledgeable and who are involved in social work.

The next year is very good for you. At the same time you will become more emotional in the coming year, so it can cause you to take some wrong decisions and possibly increase some problems too. Despite this, the period is in your favor, so you will most likely overcome your emotions and rectify any issues that came about due to the increased emotional state. Your work will prosper. Any work related to foreign places will also get completed. You may make some new relationships. Try to control your anger, irritation, and bouts of depression. Remedies: donate 5 fruits and some milk on Mondays; also increase your fruit intake to the extent that you eat more fruits and less of the regular cooked meals.


The next 12 months will be life-changing for you. Problems from before will go away despite some losses. However, overall, you will see more gains that will last you many years. You may complete something important this year - be it buying a new house or plot, getting married, graduating from a course or school, getting a job, getting promoted, or getting married. To avoid any losses, you should do the following remedies: light a candle under the peepal tree on Saturdays after sunset; live near your parents so you can care for them.


You need to be very careful for the coming 12 months. Some work you had been hoping to get may suddenly not come through. There may be cracks in your relationships. You will start disliking your place of residence or work. You will be in a state of illusion especially in November and July 2015. Remedies: don't start any new work for the next year; increase your patience level, try to be happy, and pray to your ishta; wear a silver ring ; try to do something for poor children everyday; also do some work that can help cows, temples, and gurus (teachers or anyone whom you respect like your guru). 


Your next 12 months are very good in general - your hard work will pay off and any projects that were stuck will get completed. However, be careful about any new work that you start. The new work may give you some good results initially, but then they may not be that beneficial. Investments will be beneficial to you, especially the time until December this year. There may be some breathing related problems, so people with problems related to neck, back, and head need to be careful. Remedies: donate black clothes and oil every Saturday after sunset. 



You need to be very careful in the next 12 months. Some work you had been hoping to get may suddenly not come through. There may be cracks in your relationships. You will start disliking your place of residence or work. You will be in a state of illusion especially in November and July 2015. Remedies: don't start any new work for the next year; be patient in your relationships, and pray to your ishta.


There are a few obstacles in the year, despite some achievements. There may be problems with friends and your romantic relationship. You may even get deceived. There's also a possibility of getting into disagreements with relatives. Any work related to abroad may get fulfilled. Your business will grow, but with brief periods of stagnation. The months of August, November, and February 2015 to April 2015 will prove to be very beneficial to you. Remedies: donate some milk and salty snacks to poor young girl children (under the age of 8) on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Your coming year will be very useful as you will get a lot of pending work done - for example, buying a house, getting married, begetting a child, or at least repainting or doing some reconstruction of your home. Remedies: be careful when talking to the opposite sex; donate salty foods/snacks on Fridays.



It will be a year of mixed results. There may be some problems including emotional ones. You may start a new business. You may also have to go through separation from your friends - they may move to another place for their studies or job. August, November, and February 2015 are good months for you. This year you may develop a very bad habit of being in a hurry due to which you may suffer some problems in July, August, December, and Februrary 2015. Remedies: feed green grass to cows every Wednesday and make sure you remember your isht every morning.




There will be struggles in the coming year, but you will also see some successes. This year will get rid of some of the negatives effects of the past year, but after a lot of struggles, so keep working hard. Be patient in your family matters to avoid any fights. Friends may cause some damage to your belongings. There may also be problems in your romantic relationship. Despite all this, you may start a new line of business. People in jobs can also expect to be promoted. Remedies: donate wheat and copper on Sundays.




For you too, the coming year will be a period of good times. However, there may be some emotional ups and downs during August and November. Any work that had been stuck for a while will get completed. There will be relatively less struggles in this period, so you will see more successes with less efforts. Remedies: give cooked food to blue collar workers and their children on Tuesdays. Make sure you include jaggery and red lentils (masoor ki dal) in the food you give them.




The next coming year may bring about some problems at the personal level, but it will be good in terms of work or business. There will be an odd feeling of being unsatisfied, which will cause you to not enjoy the success that will come your way professionally. This dissatisfaction will cause a bad effect on your health. There will be a decrease in the level of support you get from partnerships and/or friends, which will cause you distress. If you have a desire to go abroad or do work related to abroad then it can be fulfilled if you try. Remedies: Care for young girls who are less than 8years of age on every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next year. This can be done in the form of giving food, education, money, clothes, or any other way that you can help them, but do this wholeheartedly for there to be any good effects on you.




The next 12 months are very good for you. There will be a special change in life. The previous problems will go away despite some losses. Although, you will be able to complete new work. Remedies to make sure that any new thing you do is a sure success: pray to your ishta everyday; light a 4-mukhi candle under the peepal tree on Saturdays after sunset; be close to your parents.




You have to very careful over the next 12 months. Your work may face hinderances. You may want to start some new work, but they won't get completed despite your great excitement in the initial phase. There may also be troubles in one's relationships - partnerships and relationship. It will be a very good year for students and people who are spiritual in nature (not the ones doing God worship just as a formality). Remedies: don't take decisions without the advice of the elderly or intelligent people; don't start any new work; delay your marriage until after the next 12 months; don't get involved in a romantic relationship with anyone.  




The next 12 months are good for you, but there may be some small illnesses that can cause trouble every now and then, so be careful about what you eat and do take timely medical advice. Those of you who are hardworking or are spiritual will see some very good results in the coming year. There may be some opportunities to start a new job or business - especially in August 2014, November 2014, February 2015, and May 2015. If you experience any problems, then do the following remedies: be in the company of good and hardworking people; donate food to poor workers on Saturdays. 



There may be problems in interpersonal relationships. You may get wealth due to your hardwork at work, but you will not feel satisfied of your success. Remedy: start doing work/donations that helps little girls below the age of 8 on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays until your next birthday.




The next 12 months will prove very useful for you as it will help you complete many auspicious events in life. The no. of such tasks you complete depends on how strong your planets are - if they are very strong, then you complete more and vice versa if they're not so strong. For example: buying a house, marriage, or begetting a child, promotions, etc. Your mood will be generally good. The idea is to control your mood - not that your mood controls you. Remedies: donate some salty snacks on Fridays to anyone; get a water fountain installed at a place where it will prove very helpful to people in quenching their thirst. Also make it a habit to take a bath with yoghurt on Fridays.




It will be a period of mixed results for you. You will have a desire to start new work. At the same time, you'll not have enough patience which can cause the work to not be fulfilled or if it does launch, then the work may fail. There may be increased anger and irritation feelings in you, which can cause problems with friends. The months of August 2014, November 2014, and February 2015 can prove to be very beneficial for you. A guru or very intelligent people can come into your life, who can provide good guidance to you and your life. Remedies: care for your sister(s) and your father's sister; offer some bitter-sweet toffees to poor children everyday; give some green grass to cows every Wednesday.


The next 12 months are influenced by Rahu so you will have to work hard and with patience. Your friends can cause damage to your belongings. Your romantic relationships can cause you problem too. You may start some new work/business which will be fruitful. You will win over enemies. Students and people who are in jobs will see success. Remedies: do abhishek of Shivji with sugarcane juice; donate some wheat in a copper vessel on Sundays to a poor person.




Your coming year is very good for you, although there may be some emotional problems in the months of May 2015, August 2015, and November 2015. Remedies: donate some food to blue collar workers and especially their children on every Tuesday.


The coming 12 months will be good for you provided you are careful about your emotions. It's good to be sensitive, but don't get carried away in emotions. Many of the things that were stuck in 2013, will get completed. You will be able to perform well in life, so work hard. You can get in to new relationships or even go abroad or go  abroad to do some work. You may feel depressive, anger, and irritable. Remedies: donate milk on Mondays. 


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